Scab, by Sheila Callaghan
In this unconventional comedic-drama, Anima's sphere of desperation and self-destruction is invaded by the arrival of her perky new roommate, Christa. Moved by a particularly malevolent talking statue of the Virgin Mary and a bloodthirsty houseplant named Susan, Anima and Christa soon enter into a profound and intimate friendship that incurs traumatic results. Scab was produced by Many Hats Theatre at the Ballard Underground in Seattle, 2016.
Director, Caitlin McCown
Stage Manager, Rachael Miller
Costume Designer, Amelia Wade
Scenic Designer, Brandon Estrella
Lighting Designer, Zanna Paulson
Sound Design & Dramaturgy, Mario Gomez
Zenaida Smith as Anima
Sydney Tucker as Christa
Kevin Harland as Artie/Alan/Davie/Angel
Debra Rich as Mom/Kellee/Mary Androgyne
Kiki Abba as Jenna/Angel
Director, Caitlin McCown
Stage Manager, Rachael Miller
Costume Designer, Amelia Wade
Scenic Designer, Brandon Estrella
Lighting Designer, Zanna Paulson
Sound Design & Dramaturgy, Mario Gomez
Zenaida Smith as Anima
Sydney Tucker as Christa
Kevin Harland as Artie/Alan/Davie/Angel
Debra Rich as Mom/Kellee/Mary Androgyne
Kiki Abba as Jenna/Angel